is live, the blog talking about the Italian excellence through kitchen and design.
Built starting from the concept of kitchen – meant both as the main area of the house and all that you make in your kitchen, therefore food – the blog wants to join, mix up, corrupt all things bringing an added value to the Italian culture. This is possible thanks to the contributions of prestigious representatives from the worlds of design, architecture, cookery, writing, picture and business field. is available both in italian and english version and is composed by six sections: a designer in the kitchen, involving architects and designer in order to have a vision of people designing kitchens; if I were a designer, collecting food bloggers and quality food lovers contributions talking about their ideal kitchen design; made by the chef is the food soul of the blog, represented by the Michelin starred Chef Luca Marchini receipt of the month; come and go the section collecting the Bertazzoni sixth generation contributions with Valentina and Nicola suggestions about Made in Italy abroad; food & style including selected current news; made in Italy with interviews of personalities coming from food, publishing industry, business branches.